Source code for uv.handle

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015, Maximilian Köhl <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

import enum

from .library import ffi, lib, attach, detach, dummy_callback, is_linux

from .error import UVError, HandleClosedError, LoopClosedError
from .loop import Loop

__all__ = ['Handle']

class HandleType(enum.IntEnum):
    ASYNC = lib.UV_ASYNC
    CHECK = lib.UV_CHECK
    FILE = lib.UV_FILE
    IDLE = lib.UV_IDLE
    POLL = lib.UV_POLL
    TCP = lib.UV_TCP
    TIMER = lib.UV_TIMER
    TTY = lib.UV_TTY
    UDP = lib.UV_UDP

    FS_POLL = lib.UV_FS_POLL

    def __call__(self, cls):
        self.cls = cls
        return cls

def uv_close_cb(uv_handle):
    handle = detach(uv_handle)
    with handle.loop.callback_context: handle.on_closed(handle)

[docs]class Handle(object): """ Handles represent long-lived objects capable of performing certain operations while active. This is the base class of all handles except the file and SSL handle, which are pure Python. :raises uv.LoopClosedError: loop has already been closed :param loop: loop where the handle should run on :param uv_handle: allocated c struct for this handle :type loop: Loop :type uv_handle: ffi.CData """ __slots__ = ['uv_handle', 'attachment', 'loop', 'on_closed', 'closed', 'closing'] def __init__(self, uv_handle, loop=None): self.uv_handle = ffi.cast('uv_handle_t*', uv_handle) self.attachment = attach(self.uv_handle, self) self.loop = loop or Loop.get_current() """ Loop where the handle is running on. :readonly: True :type: Loop """ self.on_closed = dummy_callback """ Callback which should be called after the handle has been closed. :readonly: False :type: (Handle) -> None """ self.closed = False """ Handle has been closed. This is `True` right after the close callback has been called. It means all internal resources are freed and this handle is ready to be garbage collected. :readonly: True :type: bool """ self.closing = False """ Handle is already closed or is closing. This is `True` right after close has been called. Operations on a closed or closing handle will raise :class:`uv.HandleClosedError`. :readonly: True :type: bool """ if self.loop.closed: raise LoopClosedError() self.loop.handles.add(self) @property def active(self): """ Handle is active or not. What "active" means depends on the handle: - :class:`uv.Async`: is always active and cannot be deactivated - :class:`uv.Pipe`, :class:`uv.TCP`, :class:`uv.UDP`, ...: basically any handle dealing with IO is active when it is doing something involves IO like reading, writing, connecting or listening - :class:`uv.Check`, :class:`uv.Idle`, :class:`uv.Timer`, ...: handle is active when it has been started and not yet stopped :readonly: True :type: bool """ if self.closed: return False return bool(lib.uv_is_active(self.uv_handle)) @property def referenced(self): """ Handle is referenced or not. If the event loop runs in default mode it will exit when there are no more active and referenced handles left. This has nothing to do with CPython's reference counting. :readonly: False :type: bool """ if self.closed: return False return bool(lib.uv_has_ref(self.uv_handle)) @referenced.setter def referenced(self, referenced): """ :param referenced: referenced status which should be set :type referenced: bool """ if referenced: self.reference() else: self.dereference() @property def send_buffer_size(self): """ Size of the send buffer that the operating system uses for the socket. The following handles are supported: TCP and UDP handles on Unix and Windows, Pipe handles only on Unix. On all unsupported handles this will raise :class:`uv.UVError` with `StatusCode.EINVAL`. .. note:: Unlike libuv this library abstracts the different behaviours on Linux and other operating systems. This means, the size set is divided by two on Linux because Linux internally multiplies it by two. :raises uv.UVError: error while getting/setting the send buffer size :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :readonly: False :type: int """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() c_buffer_size ='int*') code = lib.uv_send_buffer_size(self.uv_handle, c_buffer_size) if code < 0: raise UVError(code) return c_buffer_size[0] @send_buffer_size.setter def send_buffer_size(self, size): """ :raises uv.UVError: error while getting/setting the send buffer size :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :param size: size of the send buffer :type size: int """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() c_buffer_size ='int*', int(size / 2) if is_linux else size) code = lib.uv_send_buffer_size(self.uv_handle, c_buffer_size) if code < 0: raise UVError(code) @property def receive_buffer_size(self): """ Size of the receive buffer that the operating system uses for the socket. The following handles are supported: TCP and UDP handles on Unix and Windows, Pipe handles only on Unix. On all unsupported handles this will raise :class:`uv.UVError` with `StatusCode.EINVAL`. .. note:: Unlike libuv this library abstracts the different behaviours on Linux and other operating systems. This means, the size set is divided by two on Linux because Linux internally multiplies it by two. :raises uv.UVError: error while getting/setting the receive buffer size :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :readonly: False :type: int """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() c_buffer_size ='int*') code = lib.uv_recv_buffer_size(self.uv_handle, c_buffer_size) if code < 0: raise UVError(code) return c_buffer_size[0] @receive_buffer_size.setter def receive_buffer_size(self, size): """ :raises uv.UVError: error while getting/setting the receive buffer size :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :param size: size of the receive buffer :type size: int """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() c_buffer_size ='int*', int(size / 2) if is_linux else size) code = lib.uv_recv_buffer_size(self.uv_handle, c_buffer_size) if code < 0: raise UVError(code)
[docs] def fileno(self): """ Gets the platform dependent file descriptor equivalent. The following handles are supported: TCP, UDP, TTY, Pipes and Poll. On all other handles this will raise :class:`uv.UVError` with `StatusCode.EINVAL`. If a handle does not have an attached file descriptor yet this method will raise :class:`uv.UVError` with `StatusCode.EBADF`. .. warning:: Be very careful when using this method. Libuv assumes it is in control of the file descriptor so any change to it may result in unpredictable malfunctions. :raises uv.UVError: error while receiving fileno :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :return: platform dependent file descriptor equivalent :rtype: int """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() uv_fd ='uv_os_fd_t*') code = lib.uv_fileno(self.uv_handle, uv_fd) if code < 0: raise UVError(code) return ffi.cast('int*', uv_fd)[0]
[docs] def reference(self): """ References the handle. If the event loop runs in default mode it will exit when there are no more active and referenced handles left. This has nothing to do with CPython's reference counting. References are idempotent, that is, if a handle is already referenced calling this method again will have not effect. :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() lib.uv_ref(self.uv_handle)
[docs] def dereference(self): """ Dereferences the handle. If the event loop runs in default mode it will exit when there are no more active and referenced handles left. This has nothing to do with CPython's reference counting. References are idempotent, that is, if a handle is not referenced calling this method again will have not effect. :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() lib.uv_unref(self.uv_handle)
[docs] def close(self, on_closed=None): """ Closes the handle and frees all resources afterwards. Please make sure to call this method on any handle you do not need anymore. Handles do not close automatically and are also not garbage collected unless you have closed them exlicitly (explicit is better than implicit). This method is idempotent, that is, if the handle is already closed or is closing calling this method will have no effect. In-progress requests, like :class:`uv.ConnectRequest` or :class:`uv.WriteRequest`, are cancelled and have their callbacks called asynchronously with :class:`StatusCode.ECANCELED` After this method has been called on a handle no other operations can be performed on it, they will raise :class:`uv.HandleClosedError`. :param on_closed: callback called after the handle has been closed :type on_closed: (Handle) -> None """ if self.closing: return self.closing = True self.on_closed = on_closed or self.on_closed lib.uv_close(self.uv_handle, uv_close_cb)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ .. warning:: This method is used internally to free all allocated C resources and make sure there are no references from Python anymore to those objects after the handle has been closed. You should never call it directly! """ self.uv_handle = None self.closing = True self.closed = True self.loop.handles.remove(self)