Source code for uv.prepare

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015, Maximilian Köhl <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

from .library import ffi, lib, detach, dummy_callback

from .error import UVError, HandleClosedError
from .handle import HandleType, Handle

__all__ = ['Prepare']

def uv_prepare_cb(uv_prepare):
    prepare = detach(uv_prepare)
    with prepare.loop.callback_context:

[docs]class Prepare(Handle): """ Prepare handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right before polling for IO. :raises uv.UVError: error during the initialization of the handle :param loop: event loop which should be used for the handle :param callback: callback which should be called right before polling for IO :type loop: Loop :type callback: (uv.Prepare) -> None """ __slots__ = ['uv_prepare', 'callback'] def __init__(self, loop=None, callback=None): self.uv_prepare ='uv_prepare_t*') super(Prepare, self).__init__(self.uv_prepare, loop) self.callback = callback or dummy_callback """ Callback which should be called before polling for IO. .. function:: callback(Prepare-Handle) :readonly: False :type: (uv.Prepare) -> None """ code = lib.uv_prepare_init(self.loop.uv_loop, self.uv_prepare) if code < 0: self.destroy() raise UVError(code)
[docs] def start(self, callback=None): """ Starts the handle. :raises uv.UVError: error while starting the handle :raises uv.HandleClosedError: handle has already been closed or is closing :param callback: callback which should be called before polling for IO :type callback: (uv.Prepare) -> None """ if self.closing: raise HandleClosedError() self.callback = callback or self.callback code = lib.uv_prepare_start(self.uv_prepare, uv_prepare_cb) if code < 0: raise UVError(code)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the handle, the callback will no longer be called. :raises uv.UVError: error while stopping the handle """ if self.closing: return code = lib.uv_prepare_stop(self.uv_prepare) if code < 0: raise UVError(code)
def destroy(self): self.uv_prepare = None super(Prepare, self).destroy() __call__ = start