Source code for uv.handles.process

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2016, Maximilian Köhl <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys

from .. import base, common, error, handle
from ..library import ffi, lib

from . import pipe, signal, stream

def disable_stdio_inheritance():
    Disables inheritance for file descriptors / handles that this
    process inherited from its parent. The effect is that child
    processes spawned by this process don’t accidentally inherit
    these handles.

    It is recommended to call this function as early in your program
    as possible, before the inherited file descriptors can be closed
    or duplicated.

    .. note::
        This function works on a best-effort basis: which means there
        is no guarantee that libuv can discover all file descriptors
        that were inherited. In general it does a better job on Windows
        than it does on Unix.
    lib.uv_disable_stdio_inheritance()  # pragma: no cover

class StandardIOFlags(common.Enumeration):
    Standard IO flags enumeration.

    .. warning::
        These flags are used internally to specify which file
        descriptors should be exposed to a new child process.




[docs]class CreatePipe(object): """ Passed to one of the standard IO arguments of :class:`Process`, it tells the library to create a new pipe to communicate with the child process. """ __slots__ = ['ipc', 'flags'] def __init__(self, readable=False, writable=False, ipc=False): """ :param readable: pipe should be readable :param writable: pipe should be writable :param ipc: pipe should support inter process communication :type readable: bool :type writable: bool :type ipc: bool """ self.ipc = ipc self.flags = StandardIOFlags.CREATE_PIPE if readable: self.flags |= StandardIOFlags.READABLE_PIPE if writable: self.flags |= StandardIOFlags.WRITABLE_PIPE def __repr__(self): readable = bool(self.flags & StandardIOFlags.READABLE_PIPE) writable = bool(self.flags & StandardIOFlags.READABLE_PIPE) string = '<CreatePipe readable={}, writable={}, ipc={}>' return string.format(readable, writable, self.ipc)
# subclass int for documentation purposes class _FD(int): def __repr__(self): return '<FileDescriptor: {}>'.format(self) def _get_fileno(fileobj): try: return _FD(fileobj.fileno()) except Exception: # pragma: no cover return None PIPE = CreatePipe(readable=True, writable=True, ipc=True) """ Create a readable and writable inter process communication pipe. """ STDIN = _get_fileno(sys.stdin) """ Standard input file descriptor. """ STDOUT = _get_fileno(sys.stdout) """ Standard output file descriptor. """ STDERR = _get_fileno(sys.stderr) """ Standard error file descriptor. """
[docs]class ProcessFlags(common.Enumeration): """ Process configuration flags enumeration. """ # set implicitly by uid and gid parameters SETUID = lib.UV_PROCESS_SETUID SETGID = lib.UV_PROCESS_SETGID DETACHED = lib.UV_PROCESS_DETACHED """ Spawn the child process in a detached state – this will make it a process group leader, and will effectively enable the child to keep running after the parent exits. Note that the child process will still keep the parent's event loop alive unless the parent process calls :func:`uv.Handle.dereference` on the child's process handle. :type: uv.ProcessFlags """ WINDOWS_HIDE = lib.UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE """ Hide the subprocess console window that would normally be created. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is ignored. :type: uv.ProcessFlags """ WINDOWS_VERBATIM = lib.UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS """ Do not wrap any arguments in quotes, or perform any other escaping, when converting the argument list into a command line string. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is ignored. :type: uv.ProcessFlags """
@base.handle_callback('uv_exit_cb') def uv_exit_cb(process_handle, returncode, signum): """ :type process_handle: uv.Process :type returncode: int :type signum: int """ process_handle.clear_pending() process_handle.on_exit(process_handle, returncode, signum) def populate_stdio_container(uv_stdio, file_base=None): """ Used internally to populate `uv_stdio_t` with data based on a given file like base object. :type uv_stdio: ffi.CData[uv_stdio_t] :type file_base: uv.Stream | uv.CreatePipe | int | file-like """ fileobj = file_base if isinstance(file_base, stream.Stream): = file_base.uv_stream uv_stdio.flags = StandardIOFlags.INHERIT_STREAM elif isinstance(file_base, CreatePipe): fileobj = pipe.Pipe(ipc=file_base.ipc) = fileobj.uv_stream uv_stdio.flags = file_base.flags else: try: if isinstance(file_base, int): = file_base else: = file_base.fileno() uv_stdio.flags = StandardIOFlags.INHERIT_FD except AttributeError: uv_stdio.flags = StandardIOFlags.IGNORE if file_base is not None: raise error.ArgumentError(message='unknown file object type') return fileobj @handle.HandleTypes.PROCESS
[docs]class Process(handle.Handle): """ Process handles will spawn a new process and allow the user to control it and establish communication channels with it using streams. """ uv_handle_type = 'uv_process_t*' uv_handle_init = lib.uv_spawn def __init__(self, arguments, uid=None, gid=None, cwd=None, env=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, stdio=None, flags=ProcessFlags.WINDOWS_HIDE, loop=None, on_exit=None): """ :raises uv.UVError: error while initializing the handle :param arguments: program path and command line arguments :param uid: spawn as user with user id `uid` :param gid: spawn as group with group id `gid` :param cwd: child process working directory :param env: child process environment variables :param flags: process spawn flags to be used :param stdin: standard input of the child process :param stdout: standard output of the child process :param stderr: standard error of the child process :param stdio: other standard file descriptors of the child process :param loop: event loop the handle should run on :param on_exit: callback which should be called after process exited :type arguments: list[unicode] :type uid: int :type gid: int :type cwd: unicode :type env: dict[unicode,unicode] :type flags: int :type stdin: int | uv.Stream | uv.CreatePipe | file-like | None :type stdout: int | uv.Stream | uv.CreatePipe | file-like | None :type stderr: int | uv.Stream | uv.CreatePipe | file-like | None :type stdio: list[int | uv.Stream | uv.CreatePipe | file-like] :type loop: uv.Loop :type on_exit: ((uv.Process, int, int) -> None) | ((Any, uv.Process, int, int) -> None) """ uv_options ='uv_process_options_t*') c_file ='char[]', arguments[0].encode()) uv_options.file = c_file c_args_list = ['char[]', argument.encode()) for argument in arguments] c_args_list.append(ffi.NULL) c_args ='char*[]', c_args_list) uv_options.args = c_args stdio_count = 3 if stdio is not None: stdio_count += len(stdio) uv_options.stdio_count = stdio_count c_stdio_containers ='uv_stdio_container_t[]', stdio_count) self.stdin = populate_stdio_container(c_stdio_containers[0], stdin) """ Standard input of the child process. :readonly: True :type: int | uv.Stream | file-like | None """ self.stdout = populate_stdio_container(c_stdio_containers[1], stdout) """ Standard output of the child process. :readonly: True :type: int | uv.Stream | file-like | None """ self.stderr = populate_stdio_container(c_stdio_containers[2], stderr) """ Standard error of the child process. :readonly: True :type: int | uv.Stream | file-like | None """ self.stdio = [] """ Other standard file descriptors of the child process. :readonly: True :type: list[int | uv.Stream | file-like] """ if stdio is not None: for number in range(len(stdio)): c_stdio = c_stdio_containers[3 + number] fileobj = populate_stdio_container(c_stdio, stdio[number]) self.stdio.append(fileobj) uv_options.stdio = c_stdio_containers if cwd is not None: c_cwd ='char[]', cwd.encode()) uv_options.cwd = c_cwd if env is not None: c_env_list = ['char[]', ('%s=%s' % item).encode()) for item in env.items()] c_env_list.append(ffi.NULL) c_env ='char*[]', c_env_list) uv_options.env = c_env if uid is not None: flags |= ProcessFlags.SETUID if gid is not None: flags |= ProcessFlags.SETGID lib.cross_set_process_uid_gid(uv_options, uid or 0, gid or 0) uv_options.flags = flags uv_options.exit_cb = uv_exit_cb self.on_exit = on_exit or common.dummy_callback """ Callback which should be called after process exited. .. function:: on_exit(process_handle, returncode, signum) :param process_handle: handle the call originates from :param returncode: status code returned by the process on termination :param signum: signal number caused the process to exit :type process_handle: uv.Process :type returncode: int :type signum: int :readonly: False :type: ((uv.Process, int, int) -> None) | ((Any, uv.Process, int, int) -> None) """ super(Process, self).__init__(loop, (uv_options, )) self.uv_process = self.base_handle.uv_object self.set_pending() @property def pid(self): """ PID of the spawned process. :raises uv.ClosedHandleError: handle has already been closed or is closing :readonly: True :rtype: int """ if self.closing: raise error.ClosedHandleError() return
[docs] def kill(self, signum=signal.Signals.SIGINT): """ Send the specified signal to the process. :raises uv.ClosedHandleError: handle has already been closed or is closing :param signum: signal number :type signum: int """ if self.closing: raise error.ClosedHandleError() code = lib.uv_process_kill(self.uv_process, signum) if code != error.StatusCodes.SUCCESS: raise error.UVError(code)